Larry Brilliant on Omicron and the Future of The Pandemic

Daniel has been chairing XPRIZE Pandemic & Health Alliance task force, and has run JAM session (Joint Action Meetings) to further collaborations and to catalyze effective solutions. Last week we were joined by famed epidemiologist Dr. Larry Brilliant, who brilliantly synthesized the state of the pandemic, and what is needed next.

What does it Omicron mean for you individually, near-term for public health, and what does it mean long-term? Larry reports out from last week's WHO's "A global consultation on Omicron', with results from 1000 researchers from 100 countries on what we know now (prior immunity transmission, vaccine efficacy and more). Really worth a watch. Also read Larry’ WSJ Article “To Fight the Global Covid-19 Pandemic, We Need a Global Game Plan”